
Unlike expensive sanitary installations requiring a technician, the Vitarain filter is non-intrusive and can be installed by hand in a matter of seconds.


The filter not only eliminates harmful products, it also perfumes your shower! From lemon to peach to cherry, the filter transforms your shower into an aromatherapy session.


The filter has a purification capacity of 7,200 liters of water, the equivalent of 80 showers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the filter work?

Our herbal flavored filters are made with vitamin C and all-natural ingredients (including fragrance), to provide an at-home aromatherapy effect, infusing your shower and bathroom water with a exquisite fragrance. Each flavored filter is rich in antioxidants and provides hydrating properties for softer skin and hair.

How to install the filter?

Installing a shower filter is very simple. Simply unscrew the existing shower head, screw the shower filter onto the shower hose, then screw the shower head back onto the filter. No tools are needed.

How long does the filter last?

The lifespan of a shower filter depends on several factors, such as water quality and frequency of use. In general, a shower filter can last between 2 and 3 months at an average of 120L per day before needing to be replaced.

Why use a shower filter?

Using a shower filter has many benefits. It protects skin and hair from chemicals found in tap water, reduces the risk of allergies and skin irritations, and preserves the color of chemically treated hair.

What is the delivery delay?

Your order arrives by La Poste in 3-5 working days.

Where is the filter made?

The Vitarain filter is designed in South Korea, the capital of cosmetic products.

Are there any chemical ingredients?

All the ingredients are natural:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin c)
  • Dextrin (starch)
  • Xanthan gum (plant)
  • Honey
  • Propolis (bee resin)
  • Fragrance (food flavor quality)

Is there a guarantee?

The filter is guaranteed to be satisfied or refunded. For any complaints, please write to